Most Trusted Padmashali Matrimony & Matrimonial Service

About Padmashali Matrimony

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The Tulu, Kannada, or Telugu-speaking Padmashali is a major community based mostly in the states of Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat, and Tamil Nadu. The community has a history of craftsmanship in weaving and textile. They are also known as Julai. However, the Padmashali community today has diversified a lot, with individuals working in multiple types of careers and businesses.

Although the customs of Padmashali matrimony are distinct, they are drawn from major Hindu marriage rituals. Since the Padmashalis are categorised into Shaivas and Vaishnavas, their marriage customs and rituals might differ accordingly. In any case, these distinctions do not prohibit Padmashali matrimony from occurring between people within the community.

This open-mindedness is also a quality many eligible Padmashali brides and grooms showcase. Many prospective Padmashali grooms work in metro cities like Bengaluru, Hyderabad, and Mumbai today, often in good corporate jobs, whereas brides can either be working or earning from home. Padmashali youth are all well-educated, making them a good matrimonial match for anyone.

SH85638094's profile pic


42 yrs, 4' 5"", Hindu, Padmasali, Mumbai

SH47710686's profile pic


24 yrs, 5' 1"", Hindu, Padmasali, Bengaluru

SH87707584's profile pic


44 yrs, 5' 1"", Hindu, Padmasali, Hyderabad

SH09585751's profile pic


25 yrs, 5' 2"", Hindu, Padmasali, Hyderabad

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